Well, the Pocillopora SPS I bought, actually is growing. The tips definately are showing signs of growth. The LFS was amazed when I showed him pics. I only bought it a couple weeks ago. I've been feeding the tank Oyster Feast, but only a few drops a day. My hammer coral was showing signs of suffering. The tips were losing color and he wasn't fully extending. After the LFS recommended decreasing the intensity of the light fm 70 to 40% for the well being of the Torch, I've noticed the hammer fully extending today. It's set to a natural cycle between 11:00am and 11:00 pm. The peak comes at 5:00 pm. My main concern is whether the SPS will suffer. The LFS assures me it won't. It's still pretty bright even at the new setting. 1 thing I don't like about the Radion that is barely worth mentioning, is the fact that it doesn't photograph well. Too blue. It isn't noticeable when your just looking at the tank. Sure does show up in pics though.