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That's on the low end of the wpg at appx3.46wpg. My mini light is a coralife and it's a good one. You could keep most of the low light corals like shrooms, polyps, and zoos.
I've got one of the Coralife Lunar Aqualights (36" 96x2) on my 58 gallon. I plan to keep some of the low light corals like zoos and shrooms in about 3 months.
It's an excellent fixture for the money. I was running a CSL (now Current USA) before this and the Coralife is a much better product. In my opinion it's the best PC on the market right now. The JBJ is nice, but I wanted the lunar built in.
For $665 has a 48" corallife aqualightPro with dual 150wat 10,000K HQI and dual 96 watt PCs with lunar lights to boot. Thats what I am using on my 75gal at 6.5 watts/gal. but I will have Sps, clams and more
The orbits are nice but after selling literally hundreds of each i have found the coralife products to be more reliable.I have less reported problems with the coralife hoods. Plus coralife can be reached by telephone if any warranty issues arise. Current USA on the other hand is E-mail only.
With the 4-65 watt hood you could keep softies and some LPS like bubble corals and button corals.
good call Darin. I've heard lots of complaints about the cheap quality of the Orbit fixtures. For me, since I already invested hundreds of $$, a few extra bucks for coralife vs. orbit would be an easy choice to make for the sake of quality. I learned the hard way by skimping on my skimmer, and hten having to replace it after a few months.
I have the coralife 4x65 watts on my 72 gal. reef and keep a large variety of corals. It will be fine on your 75 gal. for leatehrs, mushrooms, polyps, zoos, and some LPS corals.
I would consider stronger lighting for a BTA and most other Anemones. I would go with the pc/MH combo for lighting. Do it right the first time and save lots of money. I would have if I knew this way back when.
Not really enough light for an anemone to thrive. You could do it but you would have to feed them frequently.It would just take a lotl of dedication on your part. The BTA is however one of the less light requiring anemones availible. To do anemones i would step up to Metal Halide if you can.
I keep BTA's under 260 watts of PC lighting and have had great success. When I first got mine, it was only about 2 in across, now it is about 8in and has split once (I just moved one to my new nano). I do not target feed my anenomes, they get what they get at feeding time. Granted, my large ine in my 72 gal. has found a happy spot toward the top and I do not use a glass top, but my anenomes have thrived and grown nicely under my CF lighting. Keep in mind I would not try a long tent, seabea or carpet under the lighting I currently have. IMHO, a BTA will do just fine in your tank...Lando