Aquarium Advice Apprentice
How long should I leave the tank light on and when should I turn it off? Do fish sleep? Is light 24/7 Unhealthy?
I think I scared my crawdad last night. He usually is out and about all the time, but when I changed the water he went under his broken pot and won't come out, not even to eat (he is alive). My water temp is hovering at 78-80 degrees with the light on. Is this too hot for him?
I also added some tank buddies. 4 ghost shrimp for him to eat and 2 neon tetras. Are they skittish around other fish?
I think I scared my crawdad last night. He usually is out and about all the time, but when I changed the water he went under his broken pot and won't come out, not even to eat (he is alive). My water temp is hovering at 78-80 degrees with the light on. Is this too hot for him?
I also added some tank buddies. 4 ghost shrimp for him to eat and 2 neon tetras. Are they skittish around other fish?