Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Have had this little one since the end of December. He has been so chill and now all of a sudden today he is trying to climb up and escape. He is my sons pet and my son said he was on the heater earlier. We think he may have climbed the (fake) plant and then jumped onto the heater. I have since moved the plant to the other side.
The plants are tall and he climbs to the very top. Should I get shorter plants?
He is also trying to climb up the silicone on the inside of the tank. What the heck am I going to do when he figures out how to do that? It is a plastic lid
I am still having slightly elevated ammonia (.25) and I tested nitrite as well and that was also .25. Do you think that's why he's trying to escape, or is this normal cpo behavior? I did a 25% water change today because of the nitrite. I will check levels again tomorrow. It's hard to tell if he's just exploring or actually trying to get out because he's bothered by the levels
Sorry for the millions of questions, this little guy is really important to my son
Pic is of him all the way at the top of the plant
The plants are tall and he climbs to the very top. Should I get shorter plants?
He is also trying to climb up the silicone on the inside of the tank. What the heck am I going to do when he figures out how to do that? It is a plastic lid
I am still having slightly elevated ammonia (.25) and I tested nitrite as well and that was also .25. Do you think that's why he's trying to escape, or is this normal cpo behavior? I did a 25% water change today because of the nitrite. I will check levels again tomorrow. It's hard to tell if he's just exploring or actually trying to get out because he's bothered by the levels
Sorry for the millions of questions, this little guy is really important to my son

Pic is of him all the way at the top of the plant
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