I could have been a bit more specific. Should have made it clear that this was opinionated topic. In the 200 cube I have tropical fresh water fish 1 Red Texas cichlid(got from some one that was getting rid of the tank), 1 bumble bee cichlid, 1 op cichlid (I believe is what it's called), 1 yellow lab, 1Johanni Cichlid, 1 red tail black shark, 1 bristol nose pleco, 1 red line shark( had 4 last one left they're hard to find and winter), 1 Synodontis catfish, 7 blue and red Colombian tetra's, 6 Odessa barbs, 8 golden barbs(probably gonna remove these guys seems like they're getting picked on), 8 or 9 corryes of a couple different species, snails filter is a 30 gal sump with the overflow in the center of the tank. Now I'm say this again as stated in the original post I'm not really asking for advice I'm asking if you had this tank what would you do. If you had a long 200 what would you do. I just wanted to see and learn about more and different fish. Thanks

ps I did want to know why the 4' "circle"(call it 32" after accounting for corners?)wouldn't simulate a longer continuous swim that a 6' straight line?