Aquarium Advice Newbie
I have a 30 gal tank that had about a 50/50 mix of male and female guppies. The fish have been in the tank for months with no incident. The fish have no noticeable (to me) external signs of disease. Over the last week all of the older female guppies have died. No males. I had the water tested at the store and they said ammonia & nitrate were fine. I checked pH and it was low (turns out the city water is low). I added enough chemical to raise the pH to about 7.5. The fish were dying before I adjusted the pH. A female (since dead) had babies, and most of them have died over the last few days. The males seem to swim about the tank normally, and the females gather near the top in a corner where there's a plant. Also, the water looks not quite crystal clear - maybe a little cloudy or milky, but not much. About every two weeks I change out 1/3 of the water, and have done so for months. I am not sure what I changed to cause this.
Thoughts?? Thank you!
Thoughts?? Thank you!