Denison barbs

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 30, 2011
Freeburg Il.
Does anyone have experience with these fish also known as rainbow barbs? Impulse buy I bought 8 will be here Tuesday and I want to be prepared current stock is two angelfish a synodontis feather fin catfish , four tiger barbs and a blue lobster aka crayfish 65 gallon tank any advice welcome and appreciated thank you in advance
I successfully kept Denison Barbs for several years. They are very durable, adaptive & colorful Barbs. Mine thrived on well aerated water w/ quite a bit of filter flow. Denisons are
stream fish & positively benifet from current & slightly lower temperatures, 72 - 74 degrees.
They aren't aggressive and are plant friendly. Denisons grow pretty big, usually five inches.
Most of mine lived several years before gradually passing away.
I successfully kept Denison Barbs for several years. They are very durable, adaptive & colorful Barbs. Mine thrived on well aerated water w/ quite a bit of filter flow. Denisons are
stream fish & positively benifet from current & slightly lower temperatures, 72 - 74 degrees.
They aren't aggressive and are plant friendly. Denisons grow pretty big, usually five inches.
Most of mine lived several years before gradually passing away.
Thank you for replying I did get six of them, bought 8 only 6 survived the flight here, they are tiny but doing well I bought a wave maker which they love I turn it off at night for the fish to rest my other fish hate it but it does create the oxygen rich water and current that they need
Keep updating. Another schooling fish that goes well with Denison Barbs is Filament Barbs, Dawkinsia Filamentosa. Both species originate from the same waters.
I currently am growing out a dozen of them. They are also a very big & pretty Barb.
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