Discus Profile

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 5, 2009
Wollongong, Australia
Hello Again
So i got a message from Roydooms for a discus profile and so here it is!

Considered the 'King of Aquariums' the Discus is one of the most beautiful yet touchy fish there are. The body form of these guys is amazing the way their body is almost a perfect circle is amazing and the colour can rival and outmatch many Marine fish any day. The different types of discus ranging from Pigeon Bloods to the blue discus.
The Pigeon blood discus is amazing, the fish is a deep red and spiderly lines radiate through the body creating an amazing effect. Some might only have thin lines going through thier body while others will have thick lines and almost solid red.
Blue Diamond Discus is one of my personal faveourites with the body of this discus being a light to dark shade of blue. Some of these will have an amazingly subtle blue while others will have an electric blue that will pop extremely well with a black backround and a lot of plant cover.

Habitat & Care
To maintaine these beautiful species of fish a lot of time and effort must be applied. A tank of around 100gal is ideal for these fish as they like to swim in straight lines and have a lot of friends. Also a planted tank is ideal, with lots of hiding spots because they can get shy sometimes. Plants in with discus should be quite robust and reach the surface with plenty of bogwood for these guys to hid around in since they can be quite shy.
Water quality is essantial for these guys wellbeing the tank should be very well filtered and water changes are essential. Also when putting water back into the tank care should be taken that all of the paraments are the same. A group of 6 should be i the tank for comfort.
Discus ccan reach a length of 6" or 15cm they will swim in all regions of the tank. These fish should be pu into a very established aquarium with paraments reading- Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0-20
Ph 5.0 - 7.0
Hardness 0.0 - 5.0
Temperature 79 - 88*F or 26 - 31*C

They are carnivorous and should be feed on live food such as Brine Shrimp, Blood Worm, Mosquito Larvea, Tubifex Worms and some very high in protein flakes.

To finish i think above all fish these will have to almost top the list before GRB and to finish some pictures to show the various types of Discus and their colouration.

Red thunder Discus

Blue Diamond Discus

PigeonBlood Discus

SnakeSkin Discus

Finally a video of a beautiful Discus tank
I was told today a local aquatics store that discus and angel fish need to used with extreme caution, due to angel fish carry a virus that affects discus and causing them to sort of "melt". Have any of you heard this? I like angel fish, but have also thought about a pair of discus as well for my 125 gallon tank. No decisions have been made about a discus, still an expensive fish.


Rupret said:
I was told today a local aquatics store that discus and angel fish need to used with extreme caution, due to angel fish carry a virus that affects discus and causing them to sort of "melt". Have any of you heard this? I like angel fish, but have also thought about a pair of discus as well for my 125 gallon tank. No decisions have been made about a discus, still an expensive fish.



Yes, I've heard about that. I know about the virus but not how it affects the discus(melting). That's why I moved my angels to my 40g a couple of weeks before I bought the discus. You'll see a lot of tanks with discus and angels together though. Even the guy to whom I bought discus from has a big show tank with angels and discus.
Great profile! Don't forget beefheart. It's rich in protien and helps them grow fast and develop their colors.
Yes, I've heard about that. I know about the virus but not how it affects the discus(melting). That's why I moved my angels to my 40g a couple of weeks before I bought the discus. You'll see a lot of tanks with discus and angels together though. Even the guy to whom I bought discus from has a big show tank with angels and discus.

I tried it briefly and rehomed the angels because the temperaments just weren't working together for me. Discus need to be the kings of their domains and angels don't always respect that.
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