I've kind of adopted an axolotl and really know nothing about them.
It came with a 60 litre (15 gallon) aquarium, 600mm/ 24" long. A bit of reading says this isn't really big enough, but we don't have space for a bigger aquarium. They kept it bare bottom, but I want a substrate so I'm thinking of sand.
There is very little aquascape, just a bit of java fern and java moss tied to a bit of artificial plant. I'm thinking of getting a nice bit of driftwood to give the aquascape some height and attaching the plants to that. I can easily add more java fern and java moss from another aquarium. They said the axolotl doesn't like light, which will restrict plant growth, but these plants should do OK with minimal lighting. I'm planning on adding the same plant fertiliser I do in my other aquariums and I might see how the axolotl reacts to having the light on a few hours a day, and I might see if can provide it a bit more shade in the aquascape.
It all came with a cycled sponge filter. It takes up a bit too much space, but is doing its job. There is no ammonia or nitrite in the water test, but nitrate is off the chart high. So I need to up the water change schedule compared to what the previous owner was doing. I'm planning on getting a small canister filter to provide better filtration, and free up some space in the aquarium.
It will only eat live worms, which is new for me. They gave us their worm farm. I breed hundreds of excess cherry shrimp. Would the axolotl eat some of those if I chucked them in?
I'm hoping keeping a few nerite snails will help with clean up. They should be too big for the axolotl to eat.
I just found out axolotls live 10 to 15 years in captivity. How likely is that?
I'm planning on living with it for a few weeks before changing anything, but does anyone have any comments on my plans. The axolotl and aquarium came from my wife's best friend, so we have to make the best of it.
It came with a 60 litre (15 gallon) aquarium, 600mm/ 24" long. A bit of reading says this isn't really big enough, but we don't have space for a bigger aquarium. They kept it bare bottom, but I want a substrate so I'm thinking of sand.
There is very little aquascape, just a bit of java fern and java moss tied to a bit of artificial plant. I'm thinking of getting a nice bit of driftwood to give the aquascape some height and attaching the plants to that. I can easily add more java fern and java moss from another aquarium. They said the axolotl doesn't like light, which will restrict plant growth, but these plants should do OK with minimal lighting. I'm planning on adding the same plant fertiliser I do in my other aquariums and I might see how the axolotl reacts to having the light on a few hours a day, and I might see if can provide it a bit more shade in the aquascape.
It all came with a cycled sponge filter. It takes up a bit too much space, but is doing its job. There is no ammonia or nitrite in the water test, but nitrate is off the chart high. So I need to up the water change schedule compared to what the previous owner was doing. I'm planning on getting a small canister filter to provide better filtration, and free up some space in the aquarium.
It will only eat live worms, which is new for me. They gave us their worm farm. I breed hundreds of excess cherry shrimp. Would the axolotl eat some of those if I chucked them in?
I'm hoping keeping a few nerite snails will help with clean up. They should be too big for the axolotl to eat.
I just found out axolotls live 10 to 15 years in captivity. How likely is that?
I'm planning on living with it for a few weeks before changing anything, but does anyone have any comments on my plans. The axolotl and aquarium came from my wife's best friend, so we have to make the best of it.