Does my White cloud minnow look like she is going to drop eggs?

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Could be but she will not just drop eggs. There needs to be a male present, a courtship and the right water conditions for spawning before she will let those eggs go. Egglaying fish can go an entire lifetime without laying those eggs if those other things are not present so no worries about that hurting your fish. (y)
Thank you for your reply! I think I have males and females present, although it is difficult to tell on some. What would you say the best conditions are in order to get those eggs hatching? They have been dancing with each other and chasing each other around the tank so that is all good signs, but still no fry as of yet! 😔
Thank you for your reply! I think I have males and females present, although it is difficult to tell on some. What would you say the best conditions are in order to get those eggs hatching? They have been dancing with each other and chasing each other around the tank so that is all good signs, but still no fry as of yet! 😔
Here's a good video describing the breeding techniques for white clouds.
As you will hear in the video, using a separate tank for the spawning is highly recommended as fish eggs and fish fry are food items to all fish, including the breeders. :(
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