Dry rock

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 5, 2019
Been out of the game for about 10 years, decided to get back in with a 29 gal.Couple of questions,first on rock, i like the dry rock for couple of reasons, fewer problems on curing and can start with purple rock. Next if i start with dry rock and live sand, what’s the curing process, and does it make any difference on which sand and salt you start with it they are both quality.Thanks for the help.
Salt really doesnt matter unless you're going for a full on sps setup. I get what's on sale usually. Sand would be the argonite I believe? Whatever is rated for a sw setup. Live sand seems a waste of money. If you're starting with dead rock than throw a shrimp in some panty hose and cycle that tank man!
It's pretty difficult to get your hands on sand that isn't live for saltwater...People have used pool filter sand with some having diatom issues since it is a silicate based sand rather than argonite.
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