dust cloud

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 1, 2006
So. Oregon
so i came home to a very cloudy tank today....my Aqua C remora Pro was the culperate.

i guess i didnt have the little black strap that tightens the tube onto the pump tight enough because the pump had fallen and was in the sand blowing sand all over the place. I managed to get most of the sand back , luckly none of the rock fell and all the livestock are accounted for except for one emerald crab and one recordia and maybe a few snails or hermit crabs.

im hoping the emerald is in hiding but i cant find the recordia anywhere.

i checked the levels and everything seems ok. just going to take some time for the filter to clear the water.

has anyone have this happen to them? is there a better way to secure the pump onto the tube...i really dont like the design....now i see why a sump would be better for this equipment.
I also dont have a recommendation on the issue. I doubt that it will be a problem , however keep on top of your perameters and have water at the ready for H20 changes. You would be surprised where you may end up finding it we have found shrooms that we counted as dead on the undersides of rock chances are that it will surface just keep and eye wide open for him ....
Oh, and as for the ricordia, if it's hidden behind the rocks it will likely bleach out but may show itself again over time as things shift around in the tank (waterflow, animals, etc.)

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