Electric yellow showing far more black coloration through he's body than usual. The Black shade has overtaken his head almost completely. It has spread through to his tail fin. Th black shade is dark and thick underneath on his belly and head. On the sides of his body the black has a thick vertical stripe effect running from his head to his tail fin.
He has been swimming in the one position majority of the day, against the currant up top near water level amongst thick vegitation. He also had one small mouthfull of food if anything through-out the day.
This behavior is very odd and unlike him.
At lunch i noticed he was being picked on and leaning on his side alot.
A very short while after he was in the one position on his side, on the substrate jammed in a corner.
Imidiately i picked him up and placed him in a quarintine tank with shallow water.
I paid close attention to his body and color. The black coloration was still the same, but looked a little somewhat merky or something?..
It appears that there may be some kind of fungal possibly even ich disease present.
Upon thinking this, i imediatly set the quarintine tank up (shallow water still) with a heater, an airstone, a weekend food block, a water conditioning block and one small freshwater ghost shrimp.
Unfortunately, i used half original aquarium water and other half, de-chlorinated tap water, i totaly did not think about it at the time.
After tank was all set and running i started treatment;
for a week once a day, to treat with "MELAFIX".
if symptoms still persist or increase i will then move to the same treatment window but with "PIMAFIX".
of corse i will be commencing water change and apropriate maintanence.
dose one: 040209.
continue to
If need to move to
dose one 120209
continue to
this is him shortly after being placed in the quarentine tank.
YouTube - Electric Yellow Sick (1)
any suggestions, advice or info would be more than welcome.
I have had a cichlid aquarium with eels, brigs, shrimp and other algae eaters fora long time now. I have never had any problems, the only thing that i have done any different in the tank is changed from GEO Liquid to Aquarium Liquid Life, in which is supposed to be a more enhanced version of GEO-Liquid, Iintroduced shrimp pellets as part of their diet and added a corner filter into the aquarium. This particular filter has always made me nervious because of the cottony medium that tends to hand out of the gaps.
50 Gallon;
1x Electric Yellow (sick)
2x Dark angels
1x Midnight blue Peacock
1x Red Peacock
2x Texas Green Cichlids
1x 4inch Albino Algae Eater
1x Chinese Algae Eater
2x Bristlenose (m&f)
1x Spiny (Tyre Track) Eel
1x Australian Shortfin Eel (approx 40cm)
2x Mystery Snails
Steady stock of freshwater Ghost Shrimp & Gold Cresent Shrimp.
Medium-Heavily Planted, a few hiding places.
Two Internal jet flow filters (one with dripping arm extention and an activated carbon pack, also much smaller than the other without the activated carbon), the third corner filter amongst a thick plantation of hygro.
1x approx 17inch submergable heater.
1x 10cm long bubble wall connected to a small air pump.
A few small ornaments.
A few sea shells.
3x lights on lid, however only running one 30watt aqua glo for 12hrs a day.
White Cichlid crush for substrate up to 2 inch depth in places.
Water PH average 7.4 can raise up to 8.0.
average temperature of between 26-28 degrees celcius.
Feed: live blackworms and shrimp, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, small and medium floating cichlid pellets, white crane Super G pellets with 5% spirulina, cichlid flake with color enhancer, shrimp pellets, algae bits, on occation feeder fish.
Hygro, Java fern, Java moss, Alaminium, Amazon sword, Lizard tail, Hair grass, Vallisneria and a few others but i am unsure of their names though.
He has died this morning. I have cleaned out the quarintine tank, would it be ok to re-use the tank in the future?..
Electric yellow showing far more black coloration through he's body than usual. The Black shade has overtaken his head almost completely. It has spread through to his tail fin. Th black shade is dark and thick underneath on his belly and head. On the sides of his body the black has a thick vertical stripe effect running from his head to his tail fin.
He has been swimming in the one position majority of the day, against the currant up top near water level amongst thick vegitation. He also had one small mouthfull of food if anything through-out the day.
This behavior is very odd and unlike him.
At lunch i noticed he was being picked on and leaning on his side alot.
A very short while after he was in the one position on his side, on the substrate jammed in a corner.
Imidiately i picked him up and placed him in a quarintine tank with shallow water.
I paid close attention to his body and color. The black coloration was still the same, but looked a little somewhat merky or something?..
It appears that there may be some kind of fungal possibly even ich disease present.
Upon thinking this, i imediatly set the quarintine tank up (shallow water still) with a heater, an airstone, a weekend food block, a water conditioning block and one small freshwater ghost shrimp.
Unfortunately, i used half original aquarium water and other half, de-chlorinated tap water, i totaly did not think about it at the time.
After tank was all set and running i started treatment;
for a week once a day, to treat with "MELAFIX".
if symptoms still persist or increase i will then move to the same treatment window but with "PIMAFIX".
of corse i will be commencing water change and apropriate maintanence.
dose one: 040209.
continue to
If need to move to
dose one 120209
continue to
this is him shortly after being placed in the quarentine tank.
YouTube - Electric Yellow Sick (1)
any suggestions, advice or info would be more than welcome.
I have had a cichlid aquarium with eels, brigs, shrimp and other algae eaters fora long time now. I have never had any problems, the only thing that i have done any different in the tank is changed from GEO Liquid to Aquarium Liquid Life, in which is supposed to be a more enhanced version of GEO-Liquid, Iintroduced shrimp pellets as part of their diet and added a corner filter into the aquarium. This particular filter has always made me nervious because of the cottony medium that tends to hand out of the gaps.
50 Gallon;
1x Electric Yellow (sick)
2x Dark angels
1x Midnight blue Peacock
1x Red Peacock
2x Texas Green Cichlids
1x 4inch Albino Algae Eater
1x Chinese Algae Eater
2x Bristlenose (m&f)
1x Spiny (Tyre Track) Eel
1x Australian Shortfin Eel (approx 40cm)
2x Mystery Snails
Steady stock of freshwater Ghost Shrimp & Gold Cresent Shrimp.
Medium-Heavily Planted, a few hiding places.
Two Internal jet flow filters (one with dripping arm extention and an activated carbon pack, also much smaller than the other without the activated carbon), the third corner filter amongst a thick plantation of hygro.
1x approx 17inch submergable heater.
1x 10cm long bubble wall connected to a small air pump.
A few small ornaments.
A few sea shells.
3x lights on lid, however only running one 30watt aqua glo for 12hrs a day.
White Cichlid crush for substrate up to 2 inch depth in places.
Water PH average 7.4 can raise up to 8.0.
average temperature of between 26-28 degrees celcius.
Feed: live blackworms and shrimp, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, small and medium floating cichlid pellets, white crane Super G pellets with 5% spirulina, cichlid flake with color enhancer, shrimp pellets, algae bits, on occation feeder fish.
Hygro, Java fern, Java moss, Alaminium, Amazon sword, Lizard tail, Hair grass, Vallisneria and a few others but i am unsure of their names though.
He has died this morning. I have cleaned out the quarintine tank, would it be ok to re-use the tank in the future?..
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