Fairy/Flasher Wrasse Opinion

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 19, 2013
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
So I'm looking to add one final fish, a wrasse, to one of my tanks, a 40 gallon. I'm thinking of a hooded, whipfin or maybe a juvenile Eight line flasher wrasse. What do you guys think?
All would be a great choice. I am partial to the McCoskers flasher wrasse myself.
I recently purchased a whip fin and my clowns harassed it to death. They were my first fish in my 72g and they have never attacked any other additions.
Whip fin is the wrasse I want. Well I really want a dusky wrasse but I can't find them anywhere ever and I'm but adding fish now anyway. McCosters Flasher would be my second choice.
Mr X definitely not. Lol. I felt so bad for the little guy. I often read stories about how aggressive clowns can be, but I assumed mine weren't because they had never attacked any other fish. The whip wrasse was also a different shape and color, so I am even more baffled.
Well, I need more opinions. My hooded wrasse came and died the next day. Liveaquaria promptly gave me a full credit so I'm back at it. Thoughts? Rosey scale? Eightline? Labouti?
Sorry to hear about your hooded wrasse. Those are all great options. What about the flame or lineatus?
Pylei fairy wrasse? If you can find one for sale :lol: That one would prob. outgrow the tank too. I like the male eightline, but not so much the female which is the one in stock. Decisions, decisions.
Looking at pictures other than liveaquaria, I find the labouti to be very beautiful.

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