Feeding while away

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 18, 2016
West Harrison, New York
I will be away 7 days and my fish only eat frozen food. I'm working on having someone come in but it may not be everyday. Any suggestions as to get them fed?
40 gallon

2 Clowns
1 Diamond gobie
1 coral banded shrimp.

I will be away 7 days and my fish only eat frozen food. I'm working on having someone come in but it may not be everyday. Any suggestions as to get them fed?
40 gallon

2 Clowns
1 Diamond gobie
1 coral banded shrimp.

If you don't have any corals, turning the light off or reducing the light hours to just a few per day, the fish will not require a lot of food as they will sleep more. If you can get someone to feed every other day or every 3rd day, that should suffice. The key is not having that person make up for the missed feedings. (y) If you do have corals that need the light, try to get someone to come every other day to feed OR there are auto feeders that you can set up for dry foods.
Usually the fish can go a week with no feeding if you feed them well the week before you leave but with the shrimp in there, a hungry fish might look at that as a " If they are not going to feed me then I'm going to have a shrimp cocktail" situation. ;)
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