Hey Everyone --
I've got a pretty-well-established (about 16 months) 10 gallon planted tank (a couple of Anubis, 2 amazon swords, a java fern and a small grass-like plant whose name I can't remember) with 4 tetras, 2 platies, and 2 nerite snails.
What's my next move? I don't have any experience with guppies yet, but I know they look awesome (and my 5 year old would dig them). And I think they're small enough(/have a small enough bio load) that they'd still do well in the tank, right? Is that a good move? How many (and boys or girls)?
I'm, unfortunately, not in a position to upgrade to a bigger tank at the moment. I'm hopeful that'll happen eventually. But for now, I'd appreciate advice for this existing tank.
Especially since I'm relatively new to the hobby, I'm having a hard time sitting still.
Thank you much!
I've got a pretty-well-established (about 16 months) 10 gallon planted tank (a couple of Anubis, 2 amazon swords, a java fern and a small grass-like plant whose name I can't remember) with 4 tetras, 2 platies, and 2 nerite snails.
What's my next move? I don't have any experience with guppies yet, but I know they look awesome (and my 5 year old would dig them). And I think they're small enough(/have a small enough bio load) that they'd still do well in the tank, right? Is that a good move? How many (and boys or girls)?
I'm, unfortunately, not in a position to upgrade to a bigger tank at the moment. I'm hopeful that'll happen eventually. But for now, I'd appreciate advice for this existing tank.
Especially since I'm relatively new to the hobby, I'm having a hard time sitting still.
Thank you much!