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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 3, 2012
How do I do a complete change for my crab tank? (including rocks, plants, etc.) Most of the time the fiddlers are hiding. Does it stress them out to remove them from the tank like fish? Also, I feel bad, but I had to replace their sand with gravel. After 2 weeks ( and 20 dollars worth of sand) the tank started to smell AWFUL! I did a complete change then and the sand was completely filled with black mold?? Whats that's all about? I never see it mentioned anywhere on the internet about this black mold problem with sand! Is it only me? Anyhow, they used to love burrowing and now they can't anym ore. I read that t:confused:hey couldn't still burrow in gravel but they really can't. Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated
What do you mean by complete change? Removing them from the tank will stress them, but if it's a one time thing it should be fine. As far as mold in sand, I have not experienced that myself. Pics of your setup might help, as mold could be caused by uneaten food, or stagnant water. Take a look at my fiddler crab site in my sig. It might give you some ideas on ways to set up a tank for them.

Where can I find this site at I don't see it in your profile
the black stuff isnt mold, its anaeribic bacteria, which can emit gasses very bad for fish if disturbed... the best way to prevent it is just to stir the sand up a lil each week when you do ur water change. but dont disturb 2 much @ once with the crabs in there... there is no need to change ur substrate if you do this. but if you really still want to do it removing the decor and crabs first, would be your best choice. good luck!

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