Filling Tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 28, 2004
I have my RO/DI unit about 20ft away from my tank. Right now I'm filling rubbermade containers and dumping them into the tank.

Would it add too much resistance to run 20ft of tubing and fill it directly?
Lots of variables: Is the pressure high enough on the supply side? Does the RO unit have to pump the output vertically or horizontally?

20' of tubing to test it out shouldn't be too much $$$
my R/O D/I is about 15 feet from my tank. I have it set up to fill my sump with no problems. I think as long as you are not going up hill you should be fine
Well a quick phone search of local HW stores and my LFS has resulted in no tubing of the correct type. HomeDepot did have the right size in copper, but I'm guessing that wouldn't work to well.
I just bought the tubing at a home store here 15 minutes ago. It is just 1/4 od poly tubing and I see it at most of the home depots here. If the employees at your home depots are as sharp as they are here you better hop in the car and check for yourself.
I'll make a stop at HD tommarow. I had the idea that I could run home at lunch and empty my rubbermaid then. Problem is the output of my RO/DI is too high and will fill the bin in less than 4 hours. The good news is the display tank is now 36% filled.

I have each fill marked off with tape, I'm not sure if its me being like a proud father watching his child grow or an excited engineer planning something with excel.
I also just thought of something. Icemaker tubing is the same size so you may find something near the appliances. The stuff I just bought was .05 a foot.

Sounds like you are making progress either way. Good luck.
tmcpeek said:
I also just thought of something. Icemaker tubing is the same size so you may find something near the appliances. The stuff I just bought was .05 a foot.

Icemaker tubing, perfect. Thank you.
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