Filtration Idea

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 19, 2007
I was thinking of ways to preserve the main filter longer between media changes. If I had an inline pre-filter with a pad that could be changed in seconds, it would eliminate a lot of janitorial labor associated with the hobby. Has anyone ever heard of such a product?
Yup. Been there, done that. I'm doing it right now. It's pretty messy. When you pull it off to change the mesh/sponge some of the accumulated stuff falls back into solution in the tank unless you put a glass or plastic tumbler up over it from below to catch the droppings while you're disconnecting it and removing it for cleaning. So you have both hands down mucking around in the tank and dissolving body oils into the water etc. That's why I'm on the hunt for something better.
Brine shrimp net is all that is needed. Just slide it down and around the intake and remove as usual. The brine shrimp net will catch 99.9 of the material easily.
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