Fish compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 30, 2003
Pacific Palisades, CA, USA
We recently got a bicolor blenny in our 65-gal FOWLR tank. He seems to be thriving, though we haven't seen him eat. He's really cute, spending most of his time in a perfectly-sized hole in a rock, coming out periodically for forays then backing adroitly back into his hole.

I understand they are largely herbivores who graze on algae (though the LFS guy told us he'd eat same foods as our other fish). We have lots of LR so this shouldn't be a problem unless we have too many snails now (~30) to leave enough algae for him. Anyway, just wondering if they have any special diet needs.

Also wondering about compatibility. We are thinking of getting a sand-sifting goby - probably dragon goby, said to be hardier than diamond goby. Wondering if they'd co-exist OK.

Appreciate any thoughts on this, or any other suggestions for fish compatible with our current population - the blenny, a yellow tang, maroon clown, purple pseudochromis, rusty angel (also new).
Try adding some nori. Nori is sushi wrap (dried thin algae) available in some groceries and just about asian market.
I have a black sailfin blenny and a pick spotted goby and a bullet goby and they get along OK. You should be OK.
Blenny & goby; seaweed

OK, so I think we'll try to find a dragon goby for our tank.

This nori seaweed - is it different than the OceN Nutrition green marine algae we've been feeding our tang?
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