Fish ID

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 17, 2013
Is this some sort of tetra or something? I got a few when I bought a bulk amount of neons. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1403390067.756179.jpg
They're harlequin Rasbora really nice fish :)

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Okay good I got a nice school of them. What about that different colored tetra? ?ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1403461019.099273.jpg
they look like cardinal tetras to me


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haha i didnt even notice the different one im probably due to the fact that im colorblind lol
yup its why i didn't join the Navy went from testing into every job to being able to choose from 3. have problems telling the color of things that are surrounded by red/green or red/blue
Nice, those are great fish I have a couple of them.
I have:
2 angelfish
2 gold rams
2 blue rams
A couple neon tetras
A couple of black neons
The rams are my favorite very colorful and my angels are a pair.
nice colors on the female really like the darkness on the male as well
Idk if you can tell from this photo. But there is a bulge in her belly indicating eggs soon.
Yea I was afraid is was one of those glow light tetras.

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