Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dear members,
My 8 month first tank was doing well and death was rare for me. But a few weeks ago i bought some cory sterbai. They started acting weird and dying off. Stuff like sitting at the surface. And hanging sidewards at the top.
But now more have dropped off. Not in big numbers or anything. But enough to warrant attention. I found 2 dead inpaichthys kerri and only see 3 now. So those im not seeing are probably dead too (4). Also found another one fish and one guppy.
So that is quite a lot since that time. I tried to find if a disease enteren but couldnt find any leads.
Tank info:
720 litres and planted.
My ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are 0.
Ph, kh etc are also normal.
Using a oase biomaster and a another small filter for flow.
Cleaned filters(squeeze) and did water changes.
gourami lalius single female
apistogramma cacatuoides pair
guppy and mollies
Ellioti pair
angelfish pair
three spot gourami pair
Cory sterbais and gold stripes
A lone accident geophagus Steindachneri.
Sturisoma and farlowella.
Some nerites and shrimp
No real agression besides the apisto's house. But even that isnt anything special.
Also added some pics of the cories.
Only the one in the net was dead. Despite the others looking like they were..
Any ideas what it could be.. it seems to be mostly going for my smaller fish.
My 8 month first tank was doing well and death was rare for me. But a few weeks ago i bought some cory sterbai. They started acting weird and dying off. Stuff like sitting at the surface. And hanging sidewards at the top.
But now more have dropped off. Not in big numbers or anything. But enough to warrant attention. I found 2 dead inpaichthys kerri and only see 3 now. So those im not seeing are probably dead too (4). Also found another one fish and one guppy.
So that is quite a lot since that time. I tried to find if a disease enteren but couldnt find any leads.
Tank info:
720 litres and planted.
My ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are 0.
Ph, kh etc are also normal.
Using a oase biomaster and a another small filter for flow.
Cleaned filters(squeeze) and did water changes.
gourami lalius single female
apistogramma cacatuoides pair
guppy and mollies
Ellioti pair
angelfish pair
three spot gourami pair
Cory sterbais and gold stripes
A lone accident geophagus Steindachneri.
Sturisoma and farlowella.
Some nerites and shrimp
No real agression besides the apisto's house. But even that isnt anything special.
Also added some pics of the cories.
Only the one in the net was dead. Despite the others looking like they were..
Any ideas what it could be.. it seems to be mostly going for my smaller fish.
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