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No that's a bit more then I have in my 46 and I wanna up mine some more.. I think I have right around 2250 after head loss. What kind of corals are you keeping?
Right now I just have zoas mushrooms and a Kenya tree. I've heard flow is not too much of an issue with these.
Ya those all require about 30-40x tank volume of gph to thrive so your good to go.. you've got plenty of flow for sps though maybe give that a shot if you've got the lighting ;)
Make sure you have some low flow areas for corals that like that. Otherwise, no. But if you feel it ever is a problem you can aim them up or towards the glass and diffuse the flow a little bit.
And does that much flow mess with the fish? I figured is was fine because in the wild they have to deal with waves
Nah, they like it and it gives them exercise and they will hide in the rocks at night so it doesn't really bother them. As long as they aren't getting pinned up against the glass.
How did you fit an 8 bulb? My 6 takes up the whole tank and then some lol
Mrc8858 said:
How did you fit an 8 bulb? My 6 takes up the whole tank and then some lol

My fixture fits across the entire length and there is just enough with for all the bulbs to sit over the tank.


It's a pretty awesome system. Sorry of its hard to see my bulbs were not on.
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