Flubendazole Substitute??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 4, 2025
mount holly, NJ
I’ve been treating for everything under the sun for issues I and others have not been able to pinpoint. This morning i noticed in one of my orange molly females, black spots that almost look like worms. And she’s BIG. Upon research, I’m almost positive it is in fact worms, and that it could be possibly what’s maybe killed some of my other fish that aren’t mollies (made other posts about the issue. This post is strictly for advice on this medication). I see that Flubendazole is the go to. But I am unable to order it in New Jersey. Are there any other similar medications I can use ASAP?? I’ve seen things like Expel-P but unable to order. Note- I’ve treated with Lifegaurd, General Cure, ParaGaurd, and a few others over the past 7-8 weeks.
Got the best picture I could of her.


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I’ve been treating for everything under the sun for issues I and others have not been able to pinpoint. This morning i noticed in one of my orange molly females, black spots that almost look like worms. And she’s BIG. Upon research, I’m almost positive it is in fact worms, and that it could be possibly what’s maybe killed some of my other fish that aren’t mollies (made other posts about the issue. This post is strictly for advice on this medication). I see that Flubendazole is the go to. But I am unable to order it in New Jersey. Are there any other similar medications I can use ASAP?? I’ve seen things like Expel-P but unable to order. Note- I’ve treated with Lifegaurd, General Cure, ParaGaurd, and a few others over the past 7-8 weeks.
Got the best picture I could of her.
Why can't you order the Expel-P? Levimisole HCL is the next best after Flubendazole. If you can't get it OTC, contact a veterinarian.
Not 100% but I know New Jersey has a lot of strange restrictions on stuff. It’s hard for me to even buy half the medications for my farm that I used to use growing up in a different state.
Not 100% but I know New Jersey has a lot of strange restrictions on stuff. It’s hard for me to even buy half the medications for my farm that I used to use growing up in a different state.
Check with your Local Vet then for Levimisole HCL. Let him/ her know it's for your fish. Levimisole is a common dewormer for cows, pigs and sheep. Praziquantel does not work for all internal parasites.
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