Aquarium Advice Newbie
Evening, All! I'm a freshwater newbie (and slightly highly-strung, new fish mommy) since December. I have a 55 gal with 4 mollies, 4 platies, 3 peppered cories, and a small rubber-lipped pleco. Since early December, my platies have given birth three times. 14 fry of the first two sets (The Ninjas), along with 8 or so week old fry (The Little Ninjas), are living the high life in a 24 gal Aquapod. I will be taking the oldest (about 5 weeks old) to my LFS (see what accessing AA through Google teaches you?) in a week or two.
I look forward to getting more of the sage aquatic advice that has kept me sane since December!
My husband wanted me to add that I a highly-strung fish mommy...not slightly.
I look forward to getting more of the sage aquatic advice that has kept me sane since December!
My husband wanted me to add that I a highly-strung fish mommy...not slightly.