FS/FT Rare Java Fern Trident, large clump!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 26, 2006
SOLD, thanks for looking!

What you see is exactly what you get. Solid clump of Trident, many leaves, lots of rhizome. This is a rare cultivar of Java fern that gets forked leaves.

Would prefer to trade for Cardinia, Crystals of an A-S grade or Tigers would work too.

Will sell if that can't get together, say $60 shipped. I ship priority, do not have heat packs, so mind your weather please.

I can throw in some Eleocharis sp., a haigrass that gets 12-14" tall, if that would entice a shrimp trade for the plant. Hairgrass can be seen in my 50g here:


pm me! ;)
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Funny guy. ;)

To give folks an idea of the rarity of Trident Java Fern - Mr. Amano saw it for the first time ever at last fall's AGA convention, when I handed it to him. ;)

Come to think of it, that was also the first time he saw this Eleocharis sp., wasn't me that showed it to him though.
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