For Sale: GBR, BOLIVIAN RAMS, BNPs, guppies, & mollies

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 14, 2013
North Central, OH
3 female German blue rams that need to go.
Not sure if they are breeding age yet, but all but 1 are always showing bright breeding colors
I'd like $5 a piece for them, but will negotiate.

Next up, 6 Bolivian ram juveniles. 1.25-1.5" in size.
$3.50 a piece or all for $15.00

4 gold dust/panda mollies, $2 a piece

orange fire guppies $10/trio

Orchid and lime green Endlers $10 a trio N Class

Breeding pair of albino bristlenose plecos $60

I also 2 zebra danios free to good home as long as shipping is paid for

Shipping will be $15.00 flat rate with all the bells and whistles included. Can be combined on up to 6 fish

Can post more pics upon request

Please PM me for more info and to arrange payment


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Orchid, Japan blue, and lime green endlers; SOLD!

I still have almost everything else still available.

Price negotiable
Anyone interested?

Have some new strains coming this week so I need to make the room, all prices are negotiable!

I've also got some imported Bettas that can be sold along with some marigold swords, pb gold pearlscale angels, northern mountain swordtails, sunburst platies, and a peppered Cory free to someone who has cories of the same type.

I've got even more but can't remember what all I have.

Open to trades, let me know what you've got


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All but the yellow koi are. They are all imports so I'd like to recoup atleast some of my money back on them
I'd do the last one for $15 but the 2nd to last is one of my more expensive girls and would need $25 for her
Is it just the lighting or is the one in the last pic got a white head
Yes she does have a white head, and I believe both of tem are HM, the koi might be HMPK, if you are seriously interested in them I'll take a look at my account and see which she is
Can I request some more pictures of the Bolivian Rams? I'm considering getting a pair.
Also, from your experience, are they easier to take care of than the German Blues? I wanted Blues before I considered Bolivians, but reconsidered when I was reading they were very sensitive and difficult to care for. I'd rather have a fish that I could take care of than one that looks beautiful in my tank for a few days then dies due to my lack of experience :(
Can I request some more pictures of the Bolivian Rams? I'm considering getting a pair.
Also, from your experience, are they easier to take care of than the German Blues? I wanted Blues before I considered Bolivians, but reconsidered when I was reading they were very sensitive and difficult to care for. I'd rather have a fish that I could take care of than one that looks beautiful in my tank for a few days then dies due to my lack of experience :(

I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow. These guys are unsexed juveniles though, so I can't guarantee a pair.
They require the same amount of care, but seem to be a lot hardier than my GBR's. with the GBR's, no matter how pristine the water was, I only have about a 35% survival rate. These 3 females I have have been with me since the beginning of my apisto stage while all the males I have ever bought are no longer with me.
I haven't lost a Bolivian yet.

If I had to do it over, I'd try gold rams and if they failed (which is likely since they are just a color morph of GBR) then I'd quit rams all together and go with strictly apistos like the trifasciatas I have now. They don't ship well, but are hardy once here.
Some pics of the Bolivians


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I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow. These guys are unsexed juveniles though, so I can't guarantee a pair.

That's fine. If I got 2, do you think they would get along? (I may have to wait until my next paycheck though ): If you still have them) I have a 20 gallon long that's been up and running for a couple months now. I'm giving away the 2 mollies and 2 guppies tomorrow that I had in it. That would just leave my 4 cories.

They require the same amount of care, but seem to be a lot hardier than my GBR's. with the GBR's, no matter how pristine the water was, I only have about a 35% survival rate. These 3 females I have have been with me since the beginning of my apisto stage while all the males I have ever bought are no longer with me.
I haven't lost a Bolivian yet.

Aw I'm sorry about your males :( They are beautiful fish. You're Bolivians look wonderful :)
I have all the Bolivians and GBR's together right no with no issues, but I think that's because the Bolivians are young and the GBR's are all female.
If there were multiple males in the tank then there would probably be some issues.

I'd prefer to sell them all as a group rather than piecing them out, but if I still have them when you are ready I'll part them out
Can I request some more pictures of the Bolivian Rams? I'm considering getting a pair.
Also, from your experience, are they easier to take care of than the German Blues? I wanted Blues before I considered Bolivians, but reconsidered when I was reading they were very sensitive and difficult to care for. I'd rather have a fish that I could take care of than one that looks beautiful in my tank for a few days then dies due to my lack of experience :(

German blues are not hard to take care for. Just make sure do your water change and feed them they will be fine
German blues are not hard to take care for. Just make sure do your water change and feed them they will be fine

I agree, a well cycled and cared for tank is a great home for a blue ram. Don't fear caring for a fish, if you are able to address and provide for it's needs, anything beyond that is natures decision. GL
GBR's are sold.
Bolivians are on Aquabid with a bid so if interested you'll have to go through them.

All endlers are sold!

Everything else is still available, orange fire guppies, marigold swordtail trio, neon blue sword pair, sunburst platy Juvies, proven pair of albino BN's, umm, 4 gold dust/ panda mollies, 2 zebra danios and a peppered Cory (free), all Bettas, a few calico SF BN Juvies, tons of young Juvy/fry Convicts, 2 gold pearlscale angels, about 1/2 dollar sized with pB gene on both sides, wild type northern mountain swordtails (just starting to sex out), and a few others.

I've also go worm cultures; banana, micro, grindal, and Walter

Along with some plant trimmings; dwarf Sagittaria, cabomba paleoformis, guppy grass, ludwigia (regular), a couple tape vallisneria, amazon sword LG, java moss, java fern plantlets, etc.

Make an offer, combine items and save! Shipping might go up a few dollars, but I can fit most reasonably sized orders in a single box.

Also open to trades on guppies like red lace snakeskin, RREA full reds, Superior Moscow red grass HD's, tuxedo, crowntails albino blue topaz, tell me what you have got! Also interested in wild Bettas, Smaragdina, imbellis, or mouthbrooders. gold rams, sailfins swordtails, etc.

Just ordered new shipping bags yesterday, so I won't be able to ship out anything besides what are already paid for until this coming Saturday. Please bear with me. The sooner I receive payment the higher up you are on my shipping list!
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