Giant fw prawns??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 30, 2012
North Texas
My very trusted lfs showed me a freshwater prawn that I swear was about the size of my hand! My fav fish expert there said that a customer brought it in because they bought it at a Petco earlier in the year as a ghost shrimp. Said it started out about half an inch. I trust the store, but who knows about that other customer... Maybe it's true??
The large FW prawns are probably Macrobrachium or a similar genus of shrimp from south america. It's possible that it got included with ghost shrimp as the young ones do look similar. Pretty neat shrimp, but most eat any fish they can catch.

Wow hard to believe that they ever look like a ghost shrimp. This bad boy was at least six x four inches long than tall!!! Honestly he was scary looking!!! Those pinchers...

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