Aquarium Advice Newbie
Hello. I'm new to the fish hobby. My daughter won a goldfish at a carnival and she loved it, so I decided learning how to care for it would be something fun we could do together. We currently have a 10 gallon tank (I know it will outgrow it but we'll probably get a larger one down the road). We are doing a fish in cycle because we didn't really have a choice, which we've been doing for about a week and a half. We have the API liquid test kit, seachem ammonia alert inside the tank, prime water conditioner, and API quick start. I've found the fish in cycle to be very confusing (i.e. don't change the water until it cycles vs change frequently until it cycles as well as other conflicting information online). Anyways, we did the first water change after about a week and had been monitoring parameters daily. When we did the first water change ammonia was .25, nitrite was .25, and nitrate was 0. A few days after the first water change, the fish began to get black on the edge of its fins and seemed stressed. This started about 3-4 days ago. See attached pictures.
Is this ammonia burn or something else? Our ammonia testing has never gone above .25 and neither has nitrite. The ammonia alert inside the tank has always read safe. I've done water changes everyday since this started happening to hopefully clear out whatever is going on. Another thing to note is I tested my tap water, and it appears to have a slight amount of ammonia in it. Somewhere between 0 and .25. So when I do water changes, the tank never reads 0 ammonia.
Any advice is appreciated!
Is this ammonia burn or something else? Our ammonia testing has never gone above .25 and neither has nitrite. The ammonia alert inside the tank has always read safe. I've done water changes everyday since this started happening to hopefully clear out whatever is going on. Another thing to note is I tested my tap water, and it appears to have a slight amount of ammonia in it. Somewhere between 0 and .25. So when I do water changes, the tank never reads 0 ammonia.
Any advice is appreciated!