Aquarium Advice Freak
hey everyone i noticed today that i had some aiptasia pop up on my SS. I scooped it out and pitched it. But where did it come from? Ive had the tank up for about 6 mos and havent noticed any, and this tank was set up for at least 5 yrs before i got it with no aiptasia and now after buying snails and one damsel (may he rest in peace). I drip acclimate my snails and fish and then pick out the fish/inverts and place in DT and pour out the water. So did where did it come from? Could it have come from the surface of the fish/inverts? I know my LFS has aiptasia in some of the tanks, but i didnt think i could get it if i didnt use there water. If I can get it from the fish/inverts how do i prevent it? thanks for your help