Need advice... I've been running my tank for about a year now. It's a 30G tall, lots of live rock and crushed coral. Two T5 HO lights, HOB penguin filter, AquaMedic skimmer, 2 power heads. Residents: a pistol shrimp, a watchman goby, a six line wrasse, a sea urchin and one red legged hermit (although I just added six more). I've been pretty sick and must admit haven't been able to keep up the weekly water changes...but that's changing.
My various zoas and Clove polyps are doing well, maxi-mini carpet is fine, mushroom colonies growing like mad and up until maybe a month ago the green star polyps were growing like crazy. I moved the tank from the upstairs office to the living room about a month ago....maybe that's the issue but I'm not sure. I'm seeing an outbreak of little snails and small little five legged sea stars...also growing hair algae and diatoms. I think I've been over feeding so I'll reduce that. Also, I found both of my large astrae snails dead a couple of days ago. I did see a strangle looking thing on the almost gone mat of green star polyps. Kind of white with purple spots...looks like a copepod? Amongst other obvious issues of over feeding and lack if regular water changes could the odd creatures be an issue?
My various zoas and Clove polyps are doing well, maxi-mini carpet is fine, mushroom colonies growing like mad and up until maybe a month ago the green star polyps were growing like crazy. I moved the tank from the upstairs office to the living room about a month ago....maybe that's the issue but I'm not sure. I'm seeing an outbreak of little snails and small little five legged sea stars...also growing hair algae and diatoms. I think I've been over feeding so I'll reduce that. Also, I found both of my large astrae snails dead a couple of days ago. I did see a strangle looking thing on the almost gone mat of green star polyps. Kind of white with purple spots...looks like a copepod? Amongst other obvious issues of over feeding and lack if regular water changes could the odd creatures be an issue?