Guppy Giving Birth 10 Days Apart?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 17, 2009
My Guppy gave birth 10 days ago, it only had between 6-10 babies, all have grown and are doing well. Before she gave birth she became really big, really dark spot at the back, and I could see what I assumed were eyes in it.

She still had a dark patch but not as big, she didn't have any more though so I let her back in the tank. Over the last 10 days she's got really big again, the spot is really black and I can see those "eyes" again, she's acting exactly the same as before.

Did she just hold onto the babies for 10 days? or is it possible to get pregnant then get pregnant again while pregnant?

Also if anyone reads this do you know how long it is till I can tell if the babies she already had are male or female? I've noticed they're starting to get marks on the tails.
Guppies get hit one time and have several different batches of fry. She can get pregnant by another male and his will most likely be the next batch of fry. A female guppy basically stays pregnant once they are pregnant.

My fry I can tell before they start coloring by the body type. I have deep dark purple moscow guppies and they seem to color faster than other types I have owned in the past.
I have guppy, molly, and swordtail fry right now. The sword was the last one to give birth, on 3/31, just 12 days ago, and I can already see more eggs in her. She's a pineapple sword, so the she's light colored and so are her eggs, when they develop you can see the eyes very definitively, so I can tell when she's due. She looks bigger this time than the last, and I'm guessing she's only weeks out from dropping again.

My guppy dropped on 2/20 and I think she dropped again in my 55 because she thinned out suddenly, I didn't see her drop, and I'm sure they got eaten.

The Molly dropped on 2/28 and she doesn't look anywhere near ready again - longer gestation period.

Right now I have about 16 guppy fry, 25+ molly fry, and 20 sword fry. Anyone want any?
The mom is a Pineapple, got her on 2/1 and she dropped on 3/31, so with a gestation period of 6 weeks (from what I've read) that would mean my Painted Sword did the duty. He's really cool too. But I do have a Mickey Mouse Sword, younger and not nearly as aggressive as the older Painted, but got the MM on 2/1 also (he barely had a sword, Painted has 2" sword)
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