Hagen Natural Co2 system question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 8, 2003
Panama City FL
Hey guys,

I have had the Hagen CO2 system running for three days now and am getting a steady 1 bubble every 4 seconds or so. But I seem to have a problem. The bubbles keep getting stuck in the diffuser. Sometimes they get stuck on the first level where they come out of the tube, others get stuck about half way up the diffuser. I can't for the life of me figure out why the bubbles keep getting stuck. I thought it could be because of the tiny little oxygen bubbles created by the filter where getting caught under the levels of the diffusers and they were stopping the CO2 bubbles. But I removed all of those by shaking the diffuser underwater and letting all of them escape.

It seems to be a real problem at times since all of the Co2 bubbles, when stuck, will form one giant bubble. When the giant bubble finally breaks free it is too big to fit inside the diffuser and will escape and float quickly to the top.

Is this normal or are all the Co2 bubbles supposed to actually go to the top of the diffuser and escape one by one? When the bubbles are stuck in the diffuser are they able to diffuse into the water?
Hey Biggen,

I think I know what you are trying to explain. Photos would help. Any pictures?

The bubbles should work their way all the way to the top. However, the CO2 being trapped is not necessarily a bad thing because some other CO2 systems use a 'bell' which traps CO2 underwater giving it time to diffuse. Which is basically, what you are describing.

The connector at the end of the silicone tubing has a diagonal cut.
Is the cut facing the correct way? Check the user's guide for the correct placement. That cut makes the CO2 exit in the proper direction. It sounds like it may be diverting the CO2 the wrong way.

I remember you having two of these units. Are both of them doing the same thing?

Also, how deep is the diffuser? Depth may also play a factor.
Heya Targaboy78,

Yeah I have read about the "bell system". However, I don't have a current of water going by the diffuser as the "bell system" recommends. So I wasn't sure if the Co2 being trapped in stagnant water is doing anything.

I think I have the connector facing the correct way. The long cut end of the diagonal tube is to the left... I haven't fired up the the second unit yet as I am wanting to stagger the changing of the units. I will start it up this Friday.

The diffuser depth to the bottom of the diffuser where the tube is bubbling out is not quite 12" down. I have a 2ft tall tank so it isn't quite half way down.
Hmmm ?!?! Well, ya got me stumped.

Sounds like you are on the right track, the only other thing I can suggest is that maybe there is something blocking (or partially blocking) the bubble's path. Maybe some debris or a piece of plastic from the manufacturing process, something like that?

Actually, now that I think about it, have you tried the other settings? There are 3 places where you can attach the hose (try the other 2 - middle and near the top).

I hope that helps.
Well my exp with this would make me ask, do you have it nice and level? if not level, the bubbles can get stuck on the higher side.

Also, the instructions say it can take 24-48 hours for the bubbles to flow freely up the duffuser. Some kind of biofilm has to develop on the diffuser. Mine took 2-3 days before they would flow properly up the "ladder", so to speak. Give it some more time, it should work better with more time. Mine still get stuck from time to time, but not to the point where they become one big bubble and escape the diffuser.

The diffuser depth to the bottom of the diffuser where the tube is bubbling out is not quite 12" down. I have a 2ft tall tank so it isn't quite half way down.

IMO, put it down as far as you can, more time for the co2 to be absorbed into the water.
It does appear to be working a tad better, however, they are still getting stuck... If it is still doing the same thing tomorrow I will try the other two settings and see what happens. I am going to bring my digital camera with me and take a few shots so you guys can take a look at my setup and my bubbles sticking together. :roll:

Some kind of biofilm has to develop on the diffuser.

I did notice a REALLY slippery film all over the tubing, suction cups, diffuser, etc... Like you said, perhaps the film hasn't fully developed yet.

I agree with you, Corvuscorax, that the diffuser should be as far down inside the tank as possible, however, I didn't want any plant leaves "clogging" up the diffuser and stopping the flow. I figured if i had it half way it would suffice. When I get the plants in this week I may change the configuration a little.
I forgot to bring my darn camera this morning. I'll grab it when I go to lunch and show you guys what I am talking about...

I tried swapping diffusers out to see if that would solve the problem. The bubbles still got stuck. I then tried putting the diffuser deeper into the tank. Same problem, still getting stuck...

I called Hagen and they were absolutely no help. The guy simply said, "they shouldn't get stuck". I am not going to worry about it. I'll just let it run and maybe it will work itself out.
I am not going to worry about it. I'll just let it run and maybe it will work itself out

I'd go for that approach also. Hopefully it'll work itself out in time. Mine still has its moments, but mostly works great.
I am not sure if you still have a problem with your Co2 system or not .. i have the same system ... at first it did the same thing that yours is doing and i noticed that i had the tube placed to low .. make sure that the cut end you know the slant .. well not the tip of the slant but the other end make sure that end is placed in line with that little piece of curved plastic that connects the tubing .. the one that is bent to your left if you stand in front of the aquarium looking at the diffuser .. that corrected my problem .. i am not sure if i am being clear about this .. it is kind of hard to explain .. i hope it helps.
Hey Marnie,

Yeah I made sure that the cut end was in the correct position. I actually called Hagen about a month back when I was having the problem and they told me that it takes a few days for the slime buildup to form on the units. What causes this I don't know. However, it seems to be working fine. They should really put this information in their manual. It would clear up a lot of confusion.
Yeah I agree Biggen, heck I didn't even have any instructions in my box! Would ave been nice to know what to expect and when :p But I was lucky... it only took the second batch to have everything working as planned.
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