Hair algae breakout

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 3, 2011
Any suggestions on a good clean up crew for hair algae? My tank has been set up for about two months now and I got a break out on this hair algae but mainly on one rock. I changed my ph around to increase the flow in that area but algae still grows pretty fast. I changed my lighting and have been lighting the tank for 5 to 8 hours with my 8 x 54 t5 lighting.





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Check your phosphates, try turbo snails, emerald crabs, and foxface work good too. Also check ur water.
None of those things are 100% guaranteed to eat hair algae. I would focus on keeping the nutrient levels low, instead of adding more eating, pooping, creatures to the bio load. cut back on feeding and up the water changes. 99% of the salt water tank keepers I meet overfeed.
I have 2 emeralds in my 6 gallon nano any time I find a rock with 2 much hair algae on it in my other tanks I put it I my nano and it gets cleaned up in a week or 2
EriksFish315 said:
Why don't you just put a CUC in your other tanks to take care of it?

I do but its only hermits turbos an urchin and some snails I mostly do it to keep my emeralds fed my 6 gallon had very lil algae and my 50 had an out break
I'm going to the city tomorrow gonna get 2 more emerald crab pairs for my other tanks they are truly great
The only thing that's going to work on that will be the rowaphos look for it works very good in days it's all gone,the Blenny is a good fish but it's only so much it can eat.
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