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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2002
Cedar Key, FL
Well, I was taking pics of my newe leather and noticed something that I'd never seen before. Here is the pic of the leather where I found the unknown polyps...

The polyps are in the upper right corner of the photo, I magnified the pic to 1:1 and cropped this section, here they are, they are very tiny, I can barely see them when I look at the tank, and if I hadn't taken the pic in macro, I wouldn't even know they are there.

Anyone know what they are?
NO i have no idea but it kind of looks like your leather is flipping us off.

My finger leather has 1 very long branch and I just wish it was the middle of 5 branches. That would be SOOO funny. In stead its more like an index finger sticking out vs one finger over. I can only hope it grows an apendage to the one side then it will be a flip off leather.

When disturbed, do they instantly disappear? (Feather Dusters)
or do they slowly curl up (Ahermatypic coral or cryptic mushroom).

My first guess is the dusters. Anyway to get a closeup?

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