Help with stocking a new 29 gallon freshwater tank
Hello, I am new to this site and want to start up a 29 gallon freshwater tank but am unsure on if my choice of tankmates will work together in that size tank. Please any advice would be much appreciated. My choices are:
1 - Dwarf Gourami (love these and heard that 2 would not work well together)
2 - Angelfish
2 - Rainbow Fish (any advice on best types?)
6 - Tetras (thought maybe Silver tip or Cardinal)
1 - Pleco
Thank you and hope to hear if these will work well!
Hello, I am new to this site and want to start up a 29 gallon freshwater tank but am unsure on if my choice of tankmates will work together in that size tank. Please any advice would be much appreciated. My choices are:
1 - Dwarf Gourami (love these and heard that 2 would not work well together)
2 - Angelfish
2 - Rainbow Fish (any advice on best types?)
6 - Tetras (thought maybe Silver tip or Cardinal)
1 - Pleco
Thank you and hope to hear if these will work well!