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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 1, 2009
St. Charles, IL
Where I now live I have hard water and a water softener. Will I have problems with raising freshwater tropical ? I am looking on raising fish not breeding them. My daughter would like to have Angel fish, Loaches, Tetras, and Red tailed sharks. I have a 29 gallon tank, with undergravel filter and a Penguin Bio-wheel 150 filter. I know these are fish that live in soft water, will they not be able to tolerate the hard water? Will cycling and water changes be an issue. what is recomended for me.
Does your softner have a bypass? I turn my bypass on a day before my water changes.

For a 29 gal tank I would skip the red tailed sharks, they can get aggressive and quite large. For tetras with angelfish, just don't get neon tetras. Angels will eat them. For loaches get yoyo's or kuhli's not clown loaches. Clown loaches get too big for 29 gals.
Thanks for the advice. Do your fish do well in the hard water? Do you bypass the softener because of the NaCl? If I switch to KCl in my softener will that be better? Is hard water preferred to the salts? Thanks again.
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