Help, Fish behaving strangley

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 21, 2011
I have a 47 gallon tall tank of African cichlids. And most of my fish are swimming at the very top of the tank very close to the surface. They also are staying kind of close together like in a group and not moving that much at the top. I have a yellow fish who normally spends 99% of his day in a cave at the bottom of the tank but now hes at the top with his mouth very close to the surface so i know theres something wrong. Ive had the tank for a long time, almost 2 years, so i dont think its a cycling issue. When i first saw the fish doing this i noticed the tank was quite dirty and did a 50% water change and cleaned out the filter. That still hasnt helped. Here is my tank info:

1. African Cichlids
2. Tank Parameters:
Temp: 78 degrees F
pH: 8.0
Ammonia, Nitrites & Nitrates: Unknown
3. 47 Gallon Tall Tank, Has been set up for almost 2 years
4. Filter: Fluval 4plus (260 GPH)
5. 8 total fish, most recent fish added about 2 weeks ago
6. 50% water change, vacuumed gravel & cleaned filter 2 days ago. I normally do about a 33% water change every month and that has been sufficient in the past.
7. Ive had most of my fish for at least 4 months now, some have been in the tank for more than a year.
8. Nothing new added to the tank
9. Food: New Life Spectrum Cichlid Formula

Please let me know what is going on and how i can fix it. Thanks.
Sounds that you tank maybe under a mini cycle due to the cleaning of the filter... Maybe...

Looks like ammonia poisoning.
It's really important that you check the water quality ASAP before people can help you...
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