Help I have Ich In my saltwater tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 26, 2013
Hello I have ich in my tank. I realized it on my two clownfish and angel fish but was too late and died soon after. What do I do with my aquarium to get rid of the ich? All it has in it is live rock and live sand. How long I should wait till I get new fish? How do I know its gone?
If the tank is empty of fish, there is no need to treat with anything except time. The tank needs to stay fallow (empty of all fish) for 8 weeks. The ich parasite cannot survive longer than that without a host. Just feed the tank a little bit of fish food every few days to keep the bb going.
You might want to consider a quarantine tank for all new fish. I made the decision to quarantine all new fish, and have never been more sure I made the right decision. I have already saved my DT from ich by using a qt tank with my newest fish arrival.
MI is caused by stress, what size of tank, how long set up, water type of water and ect. Or you may just repeat the process again. I would go fallow 8 weeks minimum, as thetre are all different types of strains and some are harder than others, probally 12 weeks to be safe.
If anything you could put ich medication in the tank and raise the temp in the tank. The warmer the water is the faster the ich goes through its life cycle.
If anything you could put ich medication in the tank and raise the temp in the tank. The warmer the water is the faster the ich goes through its life cycle.

The only "ick medicine" is copper, and thats it, the rest are just snake oil, and copper will kill off everything including LR and it would be years and maybe never be able to use the tank as a reef again. You do not want to use copper in your DT
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