Help with sump please

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 28, 2014
I was given this sump setup. Its pretty basic drain then skimmer over and under baffle then return. With a slot to stick something inbetween the baffles. Will this work good for a reef. The sump looks premade from the factory so i have no clue. The old owner had a box of refugium rubble under the return and phosguard in the slot.

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Yes, It will work fine. The slot is for a sponge filter pad, but I wouldn't recommend that. It will need regular cleaning. I would suggest a filter sock instead. They sell hang on holders that you can sit on the side of the sump which will work nicely and you'll be able to maintenance it easily.
I put some filter foam in mine the night I set it up to catch sand and other crap. Other than that I would stick to filter socks. A bit more hassle but worth it

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Would the sock go in the slot or on my drain hose

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You would get a hanging type holder for the sock and your input water would go through it as it enters the sump. :) So to the far left of the sump. I have several setup this way. Filter socks are a blessing, some people hate em, BUT use one for a week and see what it catches and you will be sold on the idea. lol Bulk reef supply has cheap socks, i would get like 4 so you can rotate them in and out. Depending on whats going on in your tank you will have to change it once a week or more frequently.
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