Aquarium Advice Freak
Hey guys I have a quick question for you regarding a cleanup crew.. It is becoming very evident that the 9 turbos and the 2 moon snails that I have in my 55 with 50lbs LR are unable to keep up with the algae.. I mean it's not nearly like it was during my daitom bloom but the problem is that They are losing the algea war.. I want to kinda help them out a bit so I don't have to pick the algea away from my featherdusters on my rock once a week and scrubbing the glass and all anyway I need some help in there. I was thinking some blue legged hermits but here is the thing I need aglea eaters and I am not crazy about them one day going after a snail for a new shell.. Will they kill my snails.. and what do you guys think of like a fighting conch?? LoL my wife makes fun of me for worrying about snail lives, but hey I am trying to keep everything alive LoL..