
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 17, 2005
Saskatchewan, Canada
Hello all. I've had a freshwater tank for about a year now. I recently upgraded to a 29 gal tank. Fish are addicting. I also have 5 cats, I guess I love all animals and creatures in general. I look forward to lots of interesting topics and posts. I have already found this site to be immensly helpful and informative.

Thank you everyonne for your warm welcome! I have already spent quite a bit of time on this site! There is a neverending supply to read! :BIG:

I have a 29 gal FW tank that houses, 2 angel fish, a plecostamus, a chinese algae eater, 6 neon tetras, 4 lyretail mollies (2 are pregnant I think), 4 sword tails, 6 red platies, 2 african dwarf frogs, 2 bloodfins ( I think that is what they are, still doing research on that LOL), and 4 guppies.
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