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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 28, 2017
Cardiff, Wales, UK
Hi fish lovers
I'm Craig from Cardiff, UK.
I've been keeping fish pretty much all of my life. The usual progression from Goldfish, Community Tropical, African Cichlids & my new project is a 5ft, 120g New World Cichlid tank. I'm so pleased to have found this group because when it comes to American Cichlids I'm pretty clueless, so hoping to get lots of advice & information off other members. :D
What am I considering Dalto?!! This is where I'm stuck. There are so many stunning fish from S&C America but aggression & size vary greatly. I was thinking of a semi-aggressive tank. I love Severums, Electric Blue/Blue Acara, Festivums, Jack Dempsey (although I've heard the electric blue variety are less aggressive) and including Pictus Catfish & Dwarf Neon Rainbows. And that's it! I'm totally stumped! If I tell you my plans maybe you could help with stocking ideas, numbers etc. Sand bottom, lovely piece of bogwood, rocks & caves, fixed fake plants. Using x2 fluval 406. Mains water is slightly acidic & soft. Any ideas? Numbers? Other fish to look at? Thank you (Fingers crossed I've done this right!) :lol: :thanks:
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