hoods and lighting

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 17, 2004
I have a 45 gal pentagon tank, I desparately need to upgrade the lighting, I am using the hood fixture that came with it from the LFS with an added light strip, this houses two 15w coralife bulbs.

I would like to get some soft corals growing in there. I know I have to upgrade the lighting, I've been researching different options, and think I will go with PC, however I will not be able to use the hood. Any ideas what I can do?
Best thing is to build something. The pentagon tank is a difficult shape to light properly unless you go with a MH lighting because the tanks are rather tall as compaired to their surface area. The tanks not very wide across so you cant get the long higher output bulbs over it as easicly. I suspect the largest PC bulbs you coudl put over that size tank is a 55/65W PC and you would honestly need at least a pair if not 4 of those bulbs to properly light it.

Why not put a single 175W or 250W MH pendant over the tank. Suspend the pendant from the celing above the tank. That would give proper lighting and be one of the most simple solutions.

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