Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I am a NOOB and started my aquarium all at once. I didn't know anything about fishless cycling, how many fish are too many, what is compatible with what, etc. Needless to say, the people at my lfs were not helpful at all. I don't mean to be mean, but I don't believe there is anyone there that has any idea at all about aquariums. I have a million questions, some of which I find the answers to just by reading this forum (which is a godsend, btw).
My first quick question here is, how many fish is too many for a 10g tank? I have 1 pleco, 3 tetras, 3 rasboras, 2 corys, 1 oto, 2 betas (1m 1f) and 1 golden mystery snail. I do a pwc every day as my little meter shows ammonia levels warrant it. I have a test kit and the nitrite and nitrate levels are in line, ph a little high(7.6 or higher).
I want to get a 26g bowfront and move my fish to that. When I do, I will do a fishless cycle. Should I use some of the water from my 10g when I do that? (Ooops! I guess that makes 2 questions!)
Thanks a million for all help!
My first quick question here is, how many fish is too many for a 10g tank? I have 1 pleco, 3 tetras, 3 rasboras, 2 corys, 1 oto, 2 betas (1m 1f) and 1 golden mystery snail. I do a pwc every day as my little meter shows ammonia levels warrant it. I have a test kit and the nitrite and nitrate levels are in line, ph a little high(7.6 or higher).
I want to get a 26g bowfront and move my fish to that. When I do, I will do a fishless cycle. Should I use some of the water from my 10g when I do that? (Ooops! I guess that makes 2 questions!)
Thanks a million for all help!
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