How to clean my Tank of DEATH!?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 24, 2011
Back story: Original stock of my son's 55gal was 6 gold long finned danios. Now, something in the tank is killing everything. I bought 6 juvi green tiger barbs, put them in the tank with out QTing them (please don't reprimand me for this, I understand my mistake and don't want to beat a dead horse....or fish) and they suddenly got sick and all died with in approx. 24 hours. The only sign of illness was sudden pop eye. Then 2 danios passed from old age, they were about 3 years old and one died of an injury. Also this tank WON'T cycle. It's been running for over 6 months now and was originally fishless cycled, and now there are no more nitrates.

Besides taking everything out and scrubbing it down, I am going to change the substrate to sand. I was thinking of cleaning everything with water then vinigar, then water again. Also I'm going to scrub the HOB filter with the same process and start over with it. The three remaining danios I'm going to move to my healthy 55gal. It's been almost 8 weeks since DEATH, so I think they shouldn't infect anyone in the new tank, and I'm going to watch it like a hawk. I might buy some melafix just in case.

What else should I do? I am paranoid to restart this tank and have the same things happen. Please help me.
I wish I could help you! You sound so desperate, sorry that your fish died :-( but this is a tough one what's really throwing me is the fact that you said it hasn't cycled for 6 mths have you taken a look at the thread for cycling? Sorry I wish I could be more of a help for you but out of all my tanks ive never had one not cycle. When you said it would never cycle what were your params and what kind of filters do you have?
I HAD cycled it (Fishless, I followed the thread on here for that), and then my cycle disappeared. Really weird. I have reseeded the tank from my 10gal (it's been going for about 2 and 1/2 to 3 years now) three separate times. I seeded my other 55gal and it picked right up, so I'm not sure what's wrong in the other tank. That is why I am doing a complete tear down and restart. Some thing funky is going on in there at a level I can't see or test for. :banghead: But I wanted to make sure that my plan of action would be the best for the fish I have now and future ones.
Back story: Original stock of my son's 55gal was 6 gold long finned danios. Now, something in the tank is killing everything. I bought 6 juvi green tiger barbs, put them in the tank with out QTing them (please don't reprimand me for this, I understand my mistake and don't want to beat a dead horse....or fish) and they suddenly got sick and all died with in approx. 24 hours. The only sign of illness was sudden pop eye. Then 2 danios passed from old age, they were about 3 years old and one died of an injury. Also this tank WON'T cycle. It's been running for over 6 months now and was originally fishless cycled, and now there are no more nitrates.

Besides taking everything out and scrubbing it down, I am going to change the substrate to sand. I was thinking of cleaning everything with water then vinigar, then water again. Also I'm going to scrub the HOB filter with the same process and start over with it. The three remaining danios I'm going to move to my healthy 55gal. It's been almost 8 weeks since DEATH, so I think they shouldn't infect anyone in the new tank, and I'm going to watch it like a hawk. I might buy some melafix just in case.

What else should I do? I am paranoid to restart this tank and have the same things happen. Please help me.
It probably did not stay cycled if all that was in there for a while were the 6 danios. 6 danios in a tank that big is not a lot of bioload, so I am guessing your BB died without enough ammonia to feed them. You probably need to re-cycle the tank. The barbs may have been a bad batch or they may have died because it was too hard to acclimate to the tank. I don't know for sure, but I do think you need to work on re-cycling the tank. It's a good thing you have another tank to put the danios in.
Can you test the other params in your son's 55 gallon also?
ammonia .25
nitrItes 0
NitrAtes 0
Ouch. I would definitely move your son's remaining danios for now and see about dosing re-cycling the tank. A fully functioning biofilter should not allow for that much ammonia and no nitrates. That is my best advice.
That's the plan angel. But I am stripping the tank and cleaning it out. Starting from scratch.
That's the plan angel. But I am stripping the tank and cleaning it out. Starting from scratch.
Good. I have cleaned my tanks with vinegar before (both fish and reptile tanks) and I honestly think it works really well. Personally, I don't think you need to do anything else. Myabe you could leave it dry for a day or 2 just to be safe (that kills most bacteria).
Sorry I typed a few things you already said you were doing. I was distracted. You seem completely on top of the situtaion.:)
When you start the tank again, keep a bit more stock in it to keep up the ammonia supply for the BB to avoid a similar situation happening again. Also, I wouldn't dose the melafix unless you are sure there is an identifiable problem. It can't hurt to get in though in case you end up needing it.
Thanks everyone. Looks like I'm on the right path. Next time I'll put a little more of a bio load in it to begin with. My son really doesn't want me to break down his tank. The fish help him fall asleep. So I have to go break the news to him....... or put it off for a few more days! HAHA!
Thanks everyone. Looks like I'm on the right path. Next time I'll put a little more of a bio load in it to begin with. My son really doesn't want me to break down his tank. The fish help him fall asleep. So I have to go break the news to him....... or put it off for a few more days! HAHA!
Poor kid. But it will be good in the long run. I can't fall asleep anymore without listeing to the tanks run. A fan helps though.:)
I know what you mean about the sounds of the tank. I am really happy that we have a nearly silent canister filter but my son's tank is across the hall with an HOB and it's far away enough to be quiet in our room. The other night we lost power and he had trouble sleeping with out the sound. I asked him if it was too dark and he said no his fish tank was too quiet! Hahaha.
I know what you mean about the sounds of the tank. I am really happy that we have a nearly silent canister filter but my son's tank is across the hall with an HOB and it's far away enough to be quiet in our room. The other night we lost power and he had trouble sleeping with out the sound. I asked him if it was too dark and he said no his fish tank was too quiet! Hahaha.
It must be nice to know that he is learning about good fish keeping ethics too. Its great that he appreciates the fish and the tank.:) I have worked doing environmental education for kids and it kinda warms my heart when parents do the work for me. It's much easier for the kids to learn when things are re-inforced at home. Sorry, just my side story.:) But, I hope you can get his tank back up and running soon.
He might be three but I make him
Help me with water changes and feeding. He loves to feed them, but he knows only to pit a pinch in. There was a book at the vets about over feeding, like dr susse but by someone else. So only a pinch goes in the tank. He told me
Last night that his fishies need more fishy family. I told him soon, let's hope that's not a lie.
I have boiled my rock in the past with no problems. It avoids chemical usage. very mild bleach on plastics, air dry. Rinse everything with RO/DI water. Add bottle bacteria and one small fish for a bio load.
Thanks. I plan on using vinegar to clean, nothing else. I'll seed it from my established tank I think.
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