how to dose grants?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
I got some Grant's stump remover today and I have been looking around to see how to and how much of this stuf to dose. Not getting a whole lot of info.
Any ideas??
I believe it's the same as Greg Watsons Potassium Nitrate. I've never used stump remover, keeping my ears open for the answer to your question. :)
If the chemical formula is that of Greg Watson's Potassium Nitrate (KNO3), then you dose it the same way. There is a fertilizer calculator in one of the stickies above.
Tiffi said:
If the chemical formula is that of Greg Watson's Potassium Nitrate (KNO3), then you dose it the same way. There is a fertilizer calculator in one of the stickies above.

"if" indeed

The only stump remover I've seen abolutely accepted as a safe source of NO3 is Green light stump remover. I've never heard of the brand you have, and we have no way of knowing if it really is pure KNO3 or if it has other additives.

Before using it I would contact the manufacturer and ensure it is pure KNO3.

my .02


After poking around google a bit it seems more then a few people use Grant's as a source of NO3 in planted aquaria, so you should be O.K.
The amount of water is the size of container you want to use. I use a 2L container and only fill it with 1L water, then I use 1000ml as my amount of water.

Some if the ferts you only want to dry dose. Trying to get the amount of potassium nitrate to even dissolve is a challenge when trying to use the container. I just dry dose my nitrates. Just mix the proper amount for your tank size in a cup of warm water and then add to the tank.
For easier dissolution of Grant's I'd give it a few seconds in a food processor to chop it up into smaller bits. You could also put some in a ziploc and roll it with a rolling pin. This also makes dosing more like using Greg's stuff since his is finer grained. Other than those tips it's exactly the same stuff that GW sells.
I took the instructions from this page

I put 2 tbl spoons of the grants in 250ml of really warm water. I shook it up for a few seconds and it dissolved pretty quickly. I dosed 1ml with a water change. My AP kit did not register any nitrate with a sample from the tank. On the page above it says to dose 1ml a day until you get 5ppm of nitrate. Does that sound right to everyone else?

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