I got one!!!

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Ok, Here's the deal I just got my Aqua C Remora skimmer from Premium Aquatics (which by the way they were great shipped out same day I talked to them)..I was wondering if anyone can give me some tips on it..I have it on a 55gal. Is there anything I should know..like leveling it etc...TIA
Rinse it out with tapwater (no soap) and then plug it in. One of the easiest skimmers I have ever had. It will create some microbubbles at first but these will go away after a week or two.
I've also heard that skimmers in general make take a few days of "break in" before they actually start to produce much skimmate. As long as you're getting good bubble creation and flow, set it up and let it go for a couple days before you make too many adjustments.
I've decided to get one of these skimmers over the BakPak 2R (unless this one on EBay stays around the same price 8)) for my 20g-- let me know if it's loud or not. :)

Also, does a protein skimmer add any more flow to the tank? (Yes, this is a stupid question! :D)
I have used the Remora on my 55g and I loved it.. However I was planning on going to a bigger tank so I decided to sell it on ebay and Upgrade to the ev180.. The remora worked great Never had a prob with micro bubbles was was extremely quiet.. I know there are many members out there using them..

Well the Remora is on and going..I'm impressed by how quiet it is..Still no skimmate yet but thats to be expected for awhile while it breaks in and of course the microbubbles...But overall I very happy with my purchase...Thanx everyone on your input I appreciate it..
It really is a great skimmer I have one on my 55 and am always amazed at the stuff it pulls out. You really did make a great purchase.. Grats.

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