I need advice on amount of galaxy rasboras, planning on doing a 10 gallon freshwater tank!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 6, 2024
46 West Ave
So I am planning on making a 10 gallon freshwater tank with lots of plants and hiding spots. Currently I have two neon tetras and a snail that will be moved over, and my plan is to make galaxy rasboras the main schooling fish, but I would like to add a few more neon tetras, a shrimp, and maybe on other one-off fish if I can. Does this sound possible? If I go with the minimum school size for rasboras and neons, I could have 6 rasboras and two or three more neon tetras. And then maybe also add the shrimp and a single honey gourami? Or am I asking too much of a 10 gallon. I don't want these fish to be stressed.
I wouldn't mix galaxy rasbora/ celestial pearl danios (they are danios, not rasboras) with neon tetras.

In my experience CPDs don't do so well at tropical water temperature, which your tetras would need.
I wouldn't mix galaxy rasbora/ celestial pearl danios (they are danios, not rasboras) with neon tetras.

In my experience CPDs don't do so well at tropical water temperature, which your tetras would need.
Ok, let me think of some other options!
Personally in a 10g, just stick with a group of 10 neons if you go tropical or 10 CPDs if you go temperate with your snail and shrimp. It's not a very big aquarium, and would better suit a single species type set up.

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