Interesting birth

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 6, 2002
My pineapple swordtail is having her fry as I write this! I think I see about 5 or 6 swimming around. However, her first one born was underdeveloped and still had a large yolk sac. Needless to say, it wasn't alive. How could there be different ages of fry inside of her? How could one fry be so underdeveloped, while the rest that are being born are swimming around? I'm sure that maybe she is having problems and this batch of fry will be very sensitive and vulnerable. I will try as hard as I can to keep them healthy, but I realize a lot of them may die. Is there anything I can do for them to make their chances of survival better? And can someone please explain to me about her first born? Thanx!
well i can't explain it, but i suppose it would be similar to twin births where one twin wasn't fully developed and had died....something went wrong in the development and that caused that one to stop developing, but the rest continued to develop normally..
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